The River Miðfjarðará is one of the best rivers for salmon fishing in Iceland today
The last 5 years average catch is 3.138 salmon per year.

The Miðfjarðará river system is based on 4 rivers, main river the Miðfjarðará, the Austurá, the Vesturá and the small Núpsá.
There are over 220 named pools on the whole system and we only fish with 6 to 10 rods depending on the time of the season. Anglers will have enough space to fish and the pools are well rested between fishermen to keep the fishing pressure down. The Miðfjarðará is well known for aggressive fish that most often tend to take surface flies, no matter the time of the season.
If you are looking for the highest quality of fly fishing in Iceland is Mifjardara the right choice.
The season on the Miðfjarðará¡ starts on June the 23rd and ends September 28th. In the beginning of the season (spring weeks) from the 23rd to 15 July we get small runs of MWS salmon into the rivers so it makes those weeks really interesting to fish.
15 July to August 15th is the prime time. This is when we get our biggest numbers of fish running into the rivers. Mostly grilse runs in a mix with MWS salmon entering the system, aggressive to take surface flies.

September is most often filled with Icelandic and Scandinavian hard core anglers who don´t let cold weather or rain stopping them in catching salmon. Often a good time to catch salmon, but the weather can be really unpredictable at that time of year.
The Miðfjarðará is first and foremost known as an Atlantic salmon river.
Also we do catch arctic char both on our arctic char beat and our salmon beats. The occasional brown trout and Sea Trout can be caught through out the season. The majority of the Salmon will range from 5 – 9 pounds with fish up to 20 pounds caught every year. With the added catch and release policy we introduced in 2008 we expect to see the average weight to go up year by year.
You can count on catching a salmon during the summer season, for the average catch each season for the last 5 years is about 3138 salmon landed in Miðfjarðara
The main river has three tributaries, Nupsa which is perfect for finding pots and pools, Vesturá and Austurá which featuring the famous canyon section. The pristine Austurá canyon is well worth a bit of a hike

The joy of the Midfjardara is that there is so much water to fish that even if one opts out of the canyon section in the Austura there are numerous different pools to fish.
The Midfjardara is perfect for those who like to use single or small double-handed rods with floating line and small flies or hitch-tubes.
The main run of the river is predominantly made up of grilse but in the early season the majority of fish tend to be multi-sea-winter fish in the 10 to 18 pound range.
Professional English speaking guides will take the anglers in a 4WD vehicle to the river every day for a new experience. Enjoy your fishing holiday and fish Midfjardara River in Iceland

Tackle: Single handed rods, line weight, 6-8 floating line.
Access : Very good.
Number of rods: 6-10.
Distance from Reykjavík: 200km (124 miles)North-West. Lodge:The lodge has 10 bedrooms with ensuite facilities, so a full rod will ensure a private room. The lodge is well managed and features one of Iceland’s finest chefs in the kitchen. Also featured is a dining room, lounge, bar, wader room and outside Jacuzzi for those that want to unwind at the end of the day.
Tackle: Single handed rods 9ft”, weight 6-8, floating line
Recommended flies:
Green Butt (sizes 14-18, also micro cones and
Black & Blue (sizes 14 – 18)
Haugur (sizes 14 – 18)
Collie dog (sizes 12 – 14)
SunRay Shadow (1-. ½ inches)
Hitch tubes and micro Hitch
Black & Red Frances (sizes 14-18)
Black & Red Frances micro cones and ¼ “inch tubes)
Get the best possible salmon fishing in Iceland and contact us at