Laxa in Myvatnssveit

Laxa in Myvatnssveit and Laxardalur, the discharge of lake Myvatn is without a doubt among the best brown trout rivers in the world as well as being an enchanting river to fish. The lush vegetation and the rich birdlife along the river is a joy to watch. River Laxa is the most fertile stream in Iceland. Black fly larvae sift substances from the water and constitute the river’s most important food.
The brown trout are of all sizes but the main attraction besides the stunning nature is the sizable average weight. The most common size of fish is two up to five pounds but six up to eight pound “brownies” are not uncommon at all. Several larger brown trout are also caught every season
The two uppermost and the very best beats are called Myvatnssveit and Laxardalur. The Myvatnssveit beat is situated where river Laxa flows from lake Myvatn in three channels. It alternately cascades or flows in still pools among beautiful islets grown with wood cranesbills, angelica, buttercups and willow.
Laxardalur valley is the lower beat above the river Laxa hydro electric power station. When running through the valley the river has mainly gathered its strength and flows like a tide, broad and powerful.
The two beats have separate full service lodges to offer.
Streamer flies seem to be the early summer most productive, but later on weighed nymphs fished upstream with strike indicators take center stage as well as fishing with dry flies.
Fishing season: June 1st to August 31st
Average size: 2-4 pounds.
Tackle: Single handed, floating line. Line weight 3-7.
Access: Good.
Number of rods: 10-14
Distance from Reykjavík: 488 km
Lodging: Full board
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